Ryan Mentock

An Incomprehensive Catalog of Things I've Made and Words I've Written.

  • Before Too Long

    Before Too Long I wrote this with intentions that it would be much longer, but I stopped when I realized the point had been made already. It reminds me of a walk in the rain with my little girl and I hope you like it! You held the tree softly,Like you thought you would break it.Telling…

  • Nobody Else

    Nobody Else I made a promise,I don’t know to who.I could probably break it,Because nobody elseSeems to know that I made it. But I know what I said,And I tell the truth.So I’ll keep my promise,Because nobody elseCould’ve heard it, but you.

  • The Ballad of the Immigrant Trump Supporter (And The Crazy Lady Who Wants Him Deported)

    The Ballad of the Immigrant Trump Supporter (And The Crazy Lady Who Wants Him Deported) A Nigerian guy works at the gas station near me.I go to his store every WednesdayFor lottery tickets and beer.Once, he gave me an extra dollar in change,And I gave it back,So we became friends. He has lived here for…

  • Pszzaimmyg – A Poem For My Daughter, Samantha

    Pszzaimmyg – A Poem For My Daughter, Samantha Sami,Spelled with an I.Or, maybe,With two M’s and a Y. It could start with a P.It could have two Z’s.If you really, really want,It could end with a G. So if you’re ever asked,Just say, “That’s me!”You can be anyone,That you want to B.

  • Presidential Inauguration Poem for Donald J. Trump

    When I found out President-elect Trump did not have a poet laureate for his inauguration today, I thought it would be nice to write a poem for him. I really wanted to capture the true Trump creative spirit, so I copied lines from the first five inauguration poems and put them together into one poem….

  • Why I (Still) Have a Beard

    I started growing a beard on October 30, 2013, just a couple weeks after I learned that my Grampa Ray was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I had first heard about the concept for No-Shave November the year before and wanted to do something for him. No-Shave November is “a month-long journey during which participants forgo shaving and grooming…

My Photos


This is how it all started…

I was born in Denver, Colorado and raised in Durham, North Carolina. The point of this site is to organize some of my online work and give myself a place to write things down. Since you probably came here to learn something about me, here is a brief rundown of potential small talk topics we can use during our next conversation.

Resume Stuff:

College: North Carolina State University, 2006. BS in Business Management and Marketing.
Graduate School: George Washington University, 2014. MBA in Healthcare Administration.
Job #1: Father to three girls.
Job #2: Manager of Family Care, PA, a primary care medical facility.
Job #3: Founder of Play NC, Inc, a 501(a)3 non-profit.
Job #4: Commissioner of Durham Softball, a slow-pitch adult softball league.


NFL: Denver Broncos / Carolina Panthers
NBA: Charlotte Hornets / Denver Nuggets
MLB: Kansas City Royals / Colorado Rockies
Chess Player: Vassily Ivanchuk
Entertainer: Steve Martin
Book: Everything Matters by Ron Currie
Song: Lola by The Kinks
Album: Allman Brothers, At Fillmore East
Beatle: George
Movie: O Brother Where Art Thou?
Disney Princess: Ariel
TV Show: The Walking Dead
Software: Photoshop, Illustrator, Excel, Paint
Hobbies: Laser Cutting/Engraving/Woodworking
Waste of Time: Fantasy Football
Sport to Play: Softball / Wiffle Ball


Cable Provider: Time Warner
NFL: Oakland Raiders

If you want to know anything else, just ask. I hope you enjoy reading my blog!

Ryan Mentock

I made everything on this website.