Ryan Mentock

An Incomprehensive Catalog of Things I've Made and Words I've Written.

  • A Letter to My Son: 1 Year Later

    Calvin, I had this entire thing planned out in my head before I sat down to write to you. I have thought about what I’d write to you in this letter for a whole year, minus the two days it took me to realize we’d be coming home from the hospital without you. And now…

  • A Letter to My Son

    A LETTER TO MY SON We left the house at 8:23am on Tuesday, August 25 to go to your appointment. They were just going to do a routine ultrasound to make sure you were still growing, just as they had done a few times before. I remember the first ultrasound and how excited and nervous…

My Photos


This is how it all started…

I was born in Denver, Colorado and raised in Durham, North Carolina. The point of this site is to organize some of my online work and give myself a place to write things down. Since you probably came here to learn something about me, here is a brief rundown of potential small talk topics we can use during our next conversation.

Resume Stuff:

College: North Carolina State University, 2006. BS in Business Management and Marketing.
Graduate School: George Washington University, 2014. MBA in Healthcare Administration.
Job #1: Father to three girls.
Job #2: Manager of Family Care, PA, a primary care medical facility.
Job #3: Founder of Play NC, Inc, a 501(a)3 non-profit.
Job #4: Commissioner of Durham Softball, a slow-pitch adult softball league.


NFL: Denver Broncos / Carolina Panthers
NBA: Charlotte Hornets / Denver Nuggets
MLB: Kansas City Royals / Colorado Rockies
Chess Player: Vassily Ivanchuk
Entertainer: Steve Martin
Book: Everything Matters by Ron Currie
Song: Lola by The Kinks
Album: Allman Brothers, At Fillmore East
Beatle: George
Movie: O Brother Where Art Thou?
Disney Princess: Ariel
TV Show: The Walking Dead
Software: Photoshop, Illustrator, Excel, Paint
Hobbies: Laser Cutting/Engraving/Woodworking
Waste of Time: Fantasy Football
Sport to Play: Softball / Wiffle Ball


Cable Provider: Time Warner
NFL: Oakland Raiders

If you want to know anything else, just ask. I hope you enjoy reading my blog!

Ryan Mentock

I made everything on this website.