Ryan Mentock

An Incomprehensive Catalog of Things I've Made and Words I've Written.

  • The Next Patient

    I wrote this ballad to describe a situation many primary care providers face every day. Every provider carries the weight of the problems for all of their patients and the memories last their entire careers, but they still move on, maintain their composure, and do their best for the next patient. The story is written…

  • A Letter to My Son: 4 Years Later

    I miss you. I think about you a lot. I talk to you when nobody else is around so I don’t seem crazy. I see kids who would’ve been born around the same time as you and I imagine how you’d look and act and sound. You have the most beautiful eyes in my dreams….

  • One Year Ago

    One Year Ago I’ve learned things,That I didn’t know,On this day,One year ago. How you’re loved,How you’ve grown,Since that day,One year ago. How I’ve tried,To make time slow.Seems yesterday,One year ago. There’s just so much,I wouldn’t know,But for that day,One year ago. Happy birthday, little girl. Samantha’s Response Tc ydrrTFDXCgtxcccccccccccccccccccxv cv x e m;ZLE005AZA4eer{¿(Uh V…

  • A Letter to My Son: 3 Years Later

    I was going to write a poem this time, just to keep it different. That reminded me of when your aunt was in Cameroon for a long time and I sent her 100 letters. It took me two years and each one had a piece from a jigsaw puzzle and something I thought she’d enjoy…

  • So Much Time

    So Much Time A baby at 5,Sitting on the bricks.You have so much time,And you spend it selling sticks. A kid at 10,Writing his own name.You have so much time,And you spend it playing games. A boy at 15,Playing with a ball.You have so much time,And you spend it against a wall. A loser at…

  • A Letter to My Son: 2 Years Later

    Your sister is beautiful. She was born last November. She smiles all the time. She sleeps through the night. She gets quieter when she cries. People keep telling me that we have the perfect baby. She is so happy, so smiley, so pretty, so cute. They say we’re lucky to have such a reasonable and…

My Photos


This is how it all started…

I was born in Denver, Colorado and raised in Durham, North Carolina. The point of this site is to organize some of my online work and give myself a place to write things down. Since you probably came here to learn something about me, here is a brief rundown of potential small talk topics we can use during our next conversation.

Resume Stuff:

College: North Carolina State University, 2006. BS in Business Management and Marketing.
Graduate School: George Washington University, 2014. MBA in Healthcare Administration.
Job #1: Father to three girls.
Job #2: Manager of Family Care, PA, a primary care medical facility.
Job #3: Founder of Play NC, Inc, a 501(a)3 non-profit.
Job #4: Commissioner of Durham Softball, a slow-pitch adult softball league.


NFL: Denver Broncos / Carolina Panthers
NBA: Charlotte Hornets / Denver Nuggets
MLB: Kansas City Royals / Colorado Rockies
Chess Player: Vassily Ivanchuk
Entertainer: Steve Martin
Book: Everything Matters by Ron Currie
Song: Lola by The Kinks
Album: Allman Brothers, At Fillmore East
Beatle: George
Movie: O Brother Where Art Thou?
Disney Princess: Ariel
TV Show: The Walking Dead
Software: Photoshop, Illustrator, Excel, Paint
Hobbies: Laser Cutting/Engraving/Woodworking
Waste of Time: Fantasy Football
Sport to Play: Softball / Wiffle Ball


Cable Provider: Time Warner
NFL: Oakland Raiders

If you want to know anything else, just ask. I hope you enjoy reading my blog!

Ryan Mentock

I made everything on this website.